boys with cats

Can cats relieve stress?

Anyone with a cat can agree that very few things beat the feeling that comes from cuddling up with them after a long, stressful day.  Cats offer support in a variety of ways and can be beneficial both mentally and physically!


Cats can offer all sorts of therapeutic solutions to different problems!  Spending time with your furry friends will lift your mood and lower your cortisol levels, a stress-inducing hormone.  Simply being around your cat will make you feel better and release serotonin, a chemical that makes us feel good.  You’ll be left stress-free and happy when you spend quality time with your cat!

Cats also have positive effects on your physical health as well.  Numerous studies have proven that owning a cat improves heart health.  The frequency of their purrs is also believed to have healing qualities and may speed up the recovery process of an injury.

Therapy comes in all different forms and cats can be a really amazing help in overcoming various difficulties whether they are mental or physical!  They also offer great companionship if you’re ever lonely or looking for someone to talk to!

Rock n’ Rescue

Our motto and the heart of our mission here at Rock n’ Rescue is that “we rescue pets, to rescue people”.  We truly believe that pets can provide their owners or caregivers with emotional and even physical support!  By fostering or adopting an animal in need, not only are you saving a life, but they could potentially be saving yours as well!  So apply now!  Rock n’ Rescue is always looking for more foster caregivers and it’s an incredible place to adopt from!

Cuddle Programs

Our kitty cuddle program was developed to address the psychosocial needs of children and adults who have suffered a trauma or life changing event.  Research has shown that activities that can distract individuals from their immediate pain and elevate the heart rate have a positive impact on overall wellbeing. Animal assisted therapies such as our program do just that.  Through cuddling and play, participants are moved from a state of emotional discomfort to overall wellness with a heightened sense of their surroundings and elevation of mood.  This is what we do- we bring happiness and comic relief to our participants, who are in dire need of just that.  It is 45 minutes of not thinking about the present, past or future- allowing participants to be in the moment with the playful antics of the kittens and the soothing stress release of cuddling.