Meet Chandler the Persian cat who truly has 9 lives! Just two days after arriving, Chandler suddenly lost use of his back legs and bloodwork revealed renal failure. Of course, we rushed Chandler to the ER, with them giving us a dire prognosis. Euthanization was the recommended course of action, but we wanted to give him a fighting chance in the event it was curable.
And guess what? Because we did NOT give up – his body started fighting back. Shockingly, after one night, he started improving slowly and even began eating and showing the vets some sass! Turns out, it was an extremely rare reaction to a pain medication administered after his neuter. His turnaround from near-death to recovery was incredible. What a fighter!
Chandler’s prognosis is now for a full recovery and he has been released from the hospital. Unfortunately, we also incurred nearly $5000 in medical bills to save his life. But he was worth it – our miracle boy!
Please support us by helping us pay for Chandler’s care and click the ‘Support Chandler’ button below. And, if you contribute in September we have a donor who is doubling your donation!
PS – A big thanks to the staff at Guardian for all their hard work!
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